Elwin Rijken Productions
artwork: illustrations, cartoons, storyboards, moodboards and animations.
filmwork: directing, camerawork and editing and visual effects
photography: natureshoots, studioshoots, portraitshoots
New movie collaboration with FlowMies

My new showreel!
update november-2018:
I directed the promotional trailer for the Eindhoven Film Festival 2018, check it out on the film page!

update april-2018:
Meeting one of my biggest heroes, actor Bruce Campbell, and handing him over my drawing! Groovy!

update 29-12-2017:
My latest shortmovie 'Zachtgekookt' starring Frank Ikink Steye van Dam
Marjolein van Panhuys and Mees Smits won a lot of prices and awards on the 48 Hour Film Project edition of Eindhoven 2017. I'm very pleased and proud of cast and crew. Now it's time for a directors cut and more festivals and screenings!

update 23-01-2017:
It's time for festivals and screenings for my latest shortmovie starring Askr Caminada Huub Smit
and Eva Damen!

update 12-05-2016: "Kamers/Rooms" received some awesome feedback from the impressive jury of Shortcutz Amsterdam
“Disturbing and funny at the same time, quite a feat to accomplish.” producer Jan Doense aka Mr Horror
"In all respects well done, with feature film quality. A well-deserved first place as far as I am concerned.” producer Jeroen Koolbergen (Tirza, Suskind)
"The filmmakers found an original way to tell a simple story. Very well executed, this film gets better the more you watch it.” actor Vincent van Ommen (Amsterdam Heavy, The Dark Knight Rises)
update 02-04-2016: "Kamers/Rooms" has been officially selected for Shortcutz Amsterdam 2016! I will be present during the Q and A, be there or be square! Check the eventpage here!
Check the shortmovie out on it's premiere at the Eindhovens Film Festival 2015

update 23-11-2015: My latest shortmovie starring Dutch groovy actor Huub Smit
has it's official poster! Check the shortmovie out on it's premiere at the Eindhovens Film Festival 2015

update 05-10-2015: My shortmovie 'Groene Getuige' / 'Green Witness' has been selected for the Eindhovens Film Festival! I'm very happy and proud to show this movie on this fantastic film festival.

update 05-10-2015: new artwork added!
Hematiet had a fantastic premiere at Broet in Natlab Eindhoven. The movie was later featured on Aintitcool News! Hematiet on Aintitcool

update 11-12-2012: My artwork submission for the Keaton Chronicle Cover Contest won first prize! Juryrapport: "The Damfinos are pleased to announce the winner of our 20th Anniversary Best of The Keaton Chronicle cover design competition. Volume 1 - to be published very shortly - will feature the fabulous work of Elwin Rijken. Many congratulations Elwin!"

update 08-11-2011: My short film "Poppetje" won best film in the 'One Minute Film competition!'